Founder Cass Spong's Experience


I see how hard people work and the level of stress people carry because they feel there is just too much to do. I have been there and experienced the feeling of powerlessness in being able to change it and to release both my potential and the collective organisational potential.


Let me show you

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Peter Senge, once said “Our thoughts create our Organisations and then hold us prisoner”.

If collectively we can see what is occurring in our organisational systems, where the blockages are and the trigger points to release them, then collectively we can focus our attention and transform our experience and the organisation. I support teams through this process to achieve organisational aspirations and wellbeing. It’s why I jump out of bed each day to do my work.

What's your day looking like today? I would love to hear your story – let’s have a chat over coffee.


Cass Spong has played a vital role in the start-up of the Centre for Positive Psychology at the University Melbourne. Cass has an incredible ability to help the people she works with see the systems in which they operate and understand how to use these systems effectively.
— Professor Lea Waters – Chair Centre for Positive Psychology | Melbourne University
Cass has been such a valuable asset for all of us. When we began the process, I had some implicit understanding of different factors that influence us, but we often only think about what is right in front of us – what we can see, feel and directly address. Yet this can actually be counterproductive, such that we are working against the larger system. A major takeaway from the process is that by understanding the system, we can rise above the system and more successfully enact sustainable change.
— participant