Our approach is underpinned by ENTHEOS Collaborative Systems Thinking®

This is a learning process designed to ignite new awareness of the organisational system that we operate in, our role and impact, and our team’s collective role and impact. It brings to the surface the visible and invisible factors driving engagement and performance.

We co-create a visual representation (“The Systems Map”) that depicts the dynamics of the organisational system experienced daily. This process is deeply transformational because we delve into what is occurring below the surface.  We uncover the assumptions that are held about the impact of the different dynamics across the eco-system, and on individual and organisational performance and wellbeing.

The process enables the group to better navigate the complexity of their organisation.  To make informed choices about “the way we want to work together” and “the way we want to be together”, and take committed action to make that happen. It will reveal ‘blockages’ that are inhibiting the team and the organisation and preventing it from performing at its best. 

The identification of the organisational trigger points are used to unleash the organisational energy and potential and, build a healthy culture and thriving organisation.

ENTHEOS Collaborative Systems Thinking® is underpinned by the understanding that organisations are living systems full of complex human beings.  Traditionally our society has viewed organisations as mechanical and tried to fix their problems in the same way we fix a machine, fix the problematic part in isolation from the whole; however, in a living organisational system this approach often creates additional problems in the process. Our approach is different!

ENTHEOS Collaborative Systems Thinking® is applied systems thinking and is a very powerful intervention for organisations to understand the dynamics of the system they operate in, identify the systemic levers, create action plans and develop a shared commitment to focus organisational energy, resources and time more effectively and efficiently.

The ENTHEOS Collaborative Systems Thinking® approach builds capability in Systems Thinking for all stakeholders and is a systemic, sustainable and outcomes focused approach to organisational problem solving.

Our clients love to tell us about the benefits their organisations have experienced through partnering with us.  Here are a few of the outcomes we consistently hear about.

clear visionstrategic capabilityshared understandingstrong foundationchange readinessmomentum energyImage HTML map generator

Case Studies

We have successfully partnered with clients across a diverse range of industries to support their evolution.  Here are a few of our case studies.

+ Fostering A More Engaged Workforce | Not For Profit

ENTHEOS Consulting partnered with the Australian affiliate of a global NFP organisation to support them to foster a more engaged workforce, with a systemic understanding of the key organisational leverage points to deliver an ambitious strategic plan. Following their employee engagement survey, the organisation wanted to ensure that their response was focused on achieving their strategic and operational goals and integrated in the operational plan. They also wanted to develop a shared understanding of the systemic issues that could hold the organisation back from delivering. Read more...

+ Uncovering Root Cause Of The Issue | Banking and Finance

The primary call centre for a large Australian organisation was experiencing above industry standard unplanned leave. We were engaged to uncover the root cause of the issue and identify solutions to create a culture of low unplanned absenteeism. Driven by the minimum employment conditions outlined in the Fair Work Act, the organisation had implemented a new Sick Leave policy. This policy reduced the sick leave employee entitlements. The leadership team were counting on this new policy to reduce their unplanned leave to industry standard. Find out how ...

+ Co-Design With People With Disabilities | TAC

Allowing all voices to be heard TAC invited ENTHEOS to create an open and accessible event designed to encourage and support people with disabilities to contribute their thoughts and ideas. Find out more...

+ Fostering A Healthy Values Based Culture | Higher Education Organisation

ENTHEOS Consulting and Evolving Leaders partnered with a newly establish Centre with a well recognised Australian University. The engagement focused on supporting the leader and team to foster a healthy values based culture, whilst also developing their capability to understand and navigate their complex and dynamic system, and create pathways and strategies to achieve their ambitious strategic plan. Learn more..


Cass Spong has played a vital role in the start-up of the Centre for Positive Psychology at the University Melbourne. Cass has an incredible ability to help the people she works with see the systems in which they operate and understand how to use these systems effectively.

The Systems Map developed by Cass in consultation with my team have critically informed our policy and practise moving forward. The maps have highlighted to us the importance of systems thinking and have elucidated key leverage points for us in enacting our mission. The entire process was highly collaborative and ensured buy-in from the start. Cass is a gifted facilitator and we left her workshops feeling uplifted and inspired.
— Professor Lea Waters – Chair Centre for Positive Psychology | Melbourne University
The systems approach has grounded us. It has helped us identify what is within our control and what is not, as well as the most effective places to place our attention to achieve our goals, both as individuals and as a group.

Stemming from this, over the past few months, I have seen some major changes in the perspectives, attitudes, and behaviours of my colleagues, for the better. As a team, we now recognize areas to focus on. These will become part of our strategic direction over the next few years. It has also given us a common language for thinking about the different pressures, both internal and external, that we face.

Cass has been such a valuable asset for all of us. When we began the process, I had some implicit understanding of different factors that influence us, but we often only think about what is right in front of us – what we can see, feel and directly address. Yet this can actually be counterproductive, such that we are working against the larger system. A major takeaway from the process is that by understanding the system, we can rise above the system and more successfully enact sustainable change.
— participant
We were fortunate to be introduced to ENTHEOS Collaborative Systems Thinking when we came to analysing our staff engagement survey. We had not rolled out a survey for a number of years and the results coincided with the organisations focus on planning and prioritising.

We could have taken the same road to looking at our KPI’s but this new way of thinking helped us look at the root causes and blockages in a different and effective way. Very quickly we were able to come up with 3 key focus areas and develop action plans that would improve our decision making and continuous improvement along with introducing staff values.

We would definitely pick up on this thinking for the next engagement survey.
— Amanda Smith, Associate Director HROD | Oxfam Australia